Southern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society

The Society would like to thank
Primal Raw
for their support at the Society's 75th Championship Show
held at
Watford Woodside Leisure Centre
Horseshoe Lane, Watford, Herts WD25 7HH
on Sunday 22nd September 2024.

First off, let’s give a huge shoutout to all the Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Spectators who made this event truly special! Your support helped create an amazing atmosphere that even the weather couldn’t dampen. With an impressive lineup of 180 dogs, the energy was just fantastic, and that’s all thanks to each and every one of you who joined us. A big thank you goes out to our wonderful judges, Liz Stanway and Sian Hammond, for keeping everything running smoothly and at a lovely pace. And let’s not forget Pete Hopgood, who stepped in as our referee—thank you for your help! 

We couldn’t have done it without all of you!

Dog Challenge Certificate
& Best in Show

Mr P C Damen

"Lux Ch Denochi's Pride The Dominant"


Dog Results & Critique to follow 


                                                                    Bitch Judge:                                                                     

My thanks go to the membership of SCSBTS for voting for me to judge their Championship Show, I was honoured to receive this appointment and have been looking forward to the day immensely.                                                                                                                                   I had a super entry of 109 bitches and the depth of quality on the day was superb. I was spoilt for choice in all classes and my final line up, in my opinion, was a sight to behold.                                                                                                                                                                                   Sincere thanks to all exhibitors who presented their bitches on the day, you all made the day a spectacular success and I, and the Society, am extremely grateful to you all.                                                                                                                                                                                             My co-judge and I agreed on all of the Best awards.

MPB 13/1abs

1st Bennett – Sikaistaff Thug Rose Very promising black brindle baby. Neat tidy compact, standard sized bitch. She appealed immediately with her obvious breed type, and beautifully shaped head with a lovely soft expression. Dark round eye that was perfectly placed, good depth to skull, distinct stop, width between eyes being ideal with no exaggeration. Length of muzzle spot on, and it is blunt, deep and clean with decent nares. She has the right weight of bone to balance her frame, kept her topline, has nice neat feet and a lovely front, wide enough and deep enough for her age. A well shaped ribcage developing. Moved well. Good luck with her.

2nd Thomas – Biggleswick Mind Your Back. Beautifully pigmented rich red bitch. Her head and expression are simply beautiful. Dark round eyes that draw you in, distinct stop, neat ears , ideal muzzle length, good round nares, and good underjaw. She has good bone, neat feet and a straight front. Her topline remained level at all times and her tail was set and carried correctly. I expect these 2 will have a lot of fun going through the classes, 1 edged it for me today being that bit more compact in body. A lovely puppy.

3rd Harkin & Jones – Kamaristaff Royal Duchess. Absolutely beautiful headed black brindle bitch pup. Lovely round eye, perfect width apart, neat ears. Distinct stop, nice underjaw and good round nares. She has a very nice front, good weight of bone, feet are ok, 1 & 2 just moved that bit better today but this little Lady will be stiff competition in my opinion.

PB 12/0abs

1st Taylor, Taylor, Coombes & Coombes – Fredbur Gogo Yubari At Niatona. Class for days this one. Such a stylish puppy that oozes breed type and completely lacks any form of exaggeration. She is spot on standard size, compact, neat from every angle, close coupled with absolutely ideal angulation both ends leading to excellent movement. Her head is a delight. Depth and width, lovely round dark liquid eyes, that are set perfectly, a good stop, correct length of muzzle with an excellent underjaw and good nares. Neat ears that perfectly frame her face when she chooses to grace you with them. Her front is developing well, plenty between the forelegs which are straight and have just the right amount of bone to balance her frame. She has a lovely topline and tailset and moves with ease. In agreement with my co-judge, she was Best Puppy In Show, congratulations!

2nd Durell – Hamason Angel Eyes Beautifully marked red and white puppy with an appealing head and expression. Again, lovely dark round eyes, neat ears, decent nares, and lovely pigmentation, with a good stop all enhancing her pretty face. She has plenty of bone, good rib and substance. Good width and depth to her front. Well angulated rear quarters, with well let down hocks. She was a little longer cast than one, but is developing along all the right lines to make a lovely bitch.

3rd Jones – Kamaristaff Royal Legacy Upstanding clean black brindle bitch. She is quite eye catching and has a lot of ‘presence’ about her. Very nice head shape, deep and broad with a good stop, open nares, and a blunt muzzle of good length. Nice front, correct width with a good brisket developing, feet are ok. She has good rib, good substance, I just preferred the size of the first 2 but this girl will have a lot of fun.

JB 13/2 abs

1st Smith – Dringshaws Girl On Fire. This compact, standard sized fawn and white bitch really caught my eye with her super breed type and excellent body shape. Lovely, unexaggerated head with neat ears, dark eyes, decent nares, and dark pigmentation that enhances her expression. She has grand rib, ideal weight of bone for her size, good width to her front and a nice depth of brisket, good pasterns and neat feet. Excellent topline, close coupled, well set on tail all leading to a very good rear end, with a correctly set on and carried tail, well let down hocks and good strong hams. She moved very well and in the final line up I could not deny her my BRCC, she is a really lovely, typey, well made Stafford, congratulations.

2nd Scanlan – Dringshaw Tranquility Among Pantycelyn. Super pretty pied bitch, her expression is just lovely, good underjaw, she has grand pigmentation, a distinct stop, good muzzle length, open nares and lovely dark eyes. Most of the descriptive comments for 1stapply here as regards to construction, with this girl just being a shade taller and longer. No surprise to learn they are litter mates. She has a straight front, enough bone to balance, good pasterns, a level topline, a well angulated rear and she moved nicely. The first placed bitch edged it on condition, 2 beautiful bitches.

3rd Winrow & Greaves – Jayneze Miss Attitude Lovely clean brindle bitch. Beautiful shapely head, with really pretty eyes, ideal muzzle length, good nares, and good depth to underjaw. Lovely straight front, with good pasterns and neat feet. Clean shoulders, a very good topline, tailset and angulation. Moved very nicely. A quality animal.

YB 12/1 abs

1st Boulton & Hayton - Dusklight Del A Soul. Striking white bitch with a really standout headpiece. So clean, with a great skull, stop and ear set. Lovely blunt, deep muzzle, decent nares, good underjaw and dark round eye. She is well ribbed, with good bone, compact and super typey, ideal in size. She was in lovely condition, she moved well, and did appeal to me immensely, she was close up in the final line up but I think she was hot and tired and wasn’t giving her all. She will have her day, as she is beautiful.

2nd Thomas Pridesdale Satisfy My Soul. Another absolutely drop dead gorgeous head piece here. Such an expressive face with melting dark eyes absolutely full of personality. Excellent pigmentation, strong blunt, deep muzzle, big round nares, and a cracking underjaw. Strong straight front, clean shoulders with a good depth to brisket and lovely bone, finishing in neat feet. She moved with real power and drive, maintaining her level topline and her condition was envious, a lot of work has been put in to this bitch. I just preferred the rib and length of coupling on 1st but this bitch is an absolute picture of health and vitality!

3rd Johnson – Tillcarr Desire For Fire. Different in type to the first 2 bitches, but her quality is evident. Standard sized, just the right weight of bone to balance her frame, clean shoulders, straight front, good topline and rear angulation. Super pretty headed bitch with the darkest round eyes, open nares, a good stop, neat ears and nice blunt muzzle.

NB 12/5abs

1st Jones – Kamaristaff Royal Legacy as 3rdPB

2nd Bennett – Sikaistaff Thug Rose as 1stMPB

3rd Dyer – Engladian I’ve Got Class. And class she has. This is a really nice typey black brindle bitch. Smashing head with a good stop, deep and broad skull, lovely strength to her muzzle, decent nares, and dark round eye. Her front is good, broad and deep with lovely bone, neat feet, she has good rib and substance, better condition would have just topped it off.

GB 12/4 abs

1st Winrow & Greaves - Jayneze Ramona. A super clean and classy black brindle bitch. Really appealed to my foot fetish this one, with the neatest tight feet on straight legs with very good pasterns. Enough width to front and a good drop to her brisket, clean shoulders and excellent conditioning. Good depth to rib, good topline, well set on and carried tail, short strong hocks. Her head is very clean and she has a lovely, pretty expression with dark appealing eyes, open nares, a distinct stop, and correct muzzle length, moved nicely.

2nd Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox. Hamason A Wish Away. She is spot on standard sized, with good bone, a good forechest, a deep brisket, feet are ok, lovely depth to her body in profile, coupling close enough for a bitch, well constructed quarters, with a well let down, strong hock. She has an old school head shape, with beautiful round eyes, a distinct but not overdone stop, muzzle length is ok nice round nares and enough underjaw. She strutted her little heart out on the move maintaining an excellent topline.

3rd Levy – Fairlenium Pixie Queen At Sharbelle. Pretty, compact, standard sized brindle pied bitch. Her angulation both ends is good, she has the right amount of rib and a level topline. She is carrying just enough bone for her size, her front is broad enough, and deep enough and she has correct angulation at the shoulder. She holds her topline and movement is parallel front and back. Her head is nice, with dark round eyes aided by excellent pigmentation.

PGB 17/2abs

1st Rochelle – Kirstaff Dolly’s Daredevil. This bitch is just the prettiest thing! Her head is just lovely, so very typical with a broad skull, good stop, dark round expressive eyes, lovely muzzle length, super underjaw and decent nares. She has lovely neat ears but it’s a job to get her to use them, which is a shame as they truly enhance what is already a lovely expression. She is a super size, bang standard, good bone, good topline, good width and depth to rib, correctly set and carried tail, short strong hocks. If only she enjoyed it more and showed herself off, she could fly. Beautiful bitch.

2nd Rowe & South - Illori Constellation JW Classy black brindle bitch with a beautiful clean head piece. Neat ears, beautiful dark eyes, distinct stop, lovely muzzle length, decent nares, good underjaw. Straight front, just enough bone to balance, good depth to brisket, she has a good width and depth of rib, good coupling and her condition is spot on.

3rd Thomas & Griffiths – Skyestaff Truest Desire For Gazstaff. This bitch takes personality to another level. She is clean, with neat ears, dark round eye, enough length to muzzle, good nares, and a wicked expression. She has good muscle mass, is in super nick, and goes like a train on the move. She has good depth and width of rib, is close coupled and is mad as a box of frogs.

LB 18/2abs

1st Land – Zivannaz no Stopping Me Now at Winzack. Smashing red bitch, spot on standard sized, so well balanced and completely lacking exaggeration of any kind. Her head is pretty, neat ears frame her face when she stops gazing up at her Dad long enough to use them, lovely pigmentation, dark round eyes, clean foreface, good round nares, and good underjaw. Her front is wide enough for her frame, she has good depth to her brisket, ideal bone, strong, flexible pasterns, and lovely neat feet. In profile, her rib shows depth, she is tucked up, her topline is super, her tail is set on and carried perfectly, she is well angulated, her hocks are well let down and she has good substantial hams. Over the top, you see a broad ribcage, a narrow waist and a wide rear. This, for me, is a complete Stafford bitch, she moved with drive, correct amount of reach, holding a perfect topline and she took my Bitch CC today. Congratulations, I sincerely hope that 3rd is just around the corner as she deserves her title.

2nd Rogers, Rogers & Daly-Lees – Berrystock Best Kept Secret. What a cracking body this standard sized black brindle bitch has! Broad, deep, well boned, short coupled, straight front with good shoulders, a deep brisket and excellent rear quarters, with good angulation, short hocks, a correct tail set and topline. Her head is also very typical, with a beautiful dark eye, round nares, small neat ears, lovely muzzle length, a distinct stop and a deep underjaw.

3rd Cartwright – Elitebull Skyefall JW. Another beautiful, standard black brindle bitch. Typical headpiece, with neat ears, dark eyes, good stop, round nares, nice muzzle length and a very good expression. Good bone and substance throughout, broad enough front, good weight of bone, and good rib. Close coupled, and a strong rear quarter, just lost out to 2 on spark and showmanship today.

OB /4 abs

1st Damen & Janssen – NL/BEL/INT CH Staffjoy’s Frozen Enigma. Super pretty white bitch with a lovely head and expression. The skull is deep, broad, good distinct stop, lovely pigmentation, blunt muzzle with deep underjaw. Nice, well muscled front, with width and depth to the brisket and good solid bone. She has a super rib, good broad quarters, nice substance throughout and an excellent topline, Her movement was parallel, she was standard sized and figured hotly in my final considerations. Beautiful bitch.

2nd Davis & Booth – Ch Sharmara Patronus Charm. Gorgeous mahogany brindle bitch, of a slightly different type to 1st but of no less quality. She is well balanced, with a lovely expressive head that boasts fantastic dark round eyes, round nares, a distinct stop, depth, width and a blunt muzzle with an excellent underjaw. Just enough width to the front to balance her frame, enough bone and neat feet. She has a good topline, is well angulated, has short strong hocks and moved very nicely.

3rd Plumstead - Kamaristaff Royal Gem At Jazostaff JW. Black brindle bitch, of strength and substance throughout. Her head shape is lovely and so very typical, with beautiful dark round eyes, a short, blunt muzzle, good underjaw and neat ears . She has a good weight of bone, depth of brisket and good ribcage. Well muscled quarters, and good tailset. Very attractive bitch.

VB 11/4 abs

1st Johnson – Ch Tillcarr Baptism Of Fire JW. A legend, I remember the fist time I saw this bitch, and how she just struck me as the epitome of type, and she still is at 7 years old. So much presence about her, her head is stunning, deep, broad, neat ears that frame her face, good round nares, dark round eyes, distinct stop, short blunt muzzle, with a deep broad underjaw and so clean. Her bone, rib and brisket are commensurate with her size, she is spot on. She s wide enough, deep enough and has just what she needs in all departments to be balanced. Thank you for bringing her, I was delighted that she went Best Veteran In Show in agreement with my co-judge, congratulations.

2nd Cartwright – Zakstaff Winterfell JW. A bitch I judged in her younger days and she has retained all of her qualities. Lovely strong head, with a good broad skull, decent nares, lovely dark round eyes, good strong muzzle and a lovely expression enhanced with a sprinkling of grey. She has broad strong front, excellent rib and topline, and a super backend with short, strong hocks.

3rd Robinson, Robinson-Cox & Cox – Studstaff Sugar and Spice at Hamason. Another lovely girl that I judged as a youngster. Pretty red and white bitch with super pigmentation, beautiful dark round eyes, good nares, good muzzle length. She has good weight of bone for her size, a nice broad deep front, and still holds her topline on the move.

Judge: Sian Hammond 



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